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Ataturk and the Turkish National Anthem

The National Anthem was negotiated in the Assembly on March 1, 1921, and it was read over and over again by Hamdullah Suphi Bey, the deputy of education at the time, and accepted with standing ovation.

A commission was established in Ankara to compose the anthem, and the verses to be composed were selected and announced.

ATATÜRK, who closely followed the work of the commission, did not find this election appropriate. He said that it is not right for everyone not to stand for a long time when it is sung and played by expressing his agreement that the National Anthem should be long, but it is not right to remove these lines from the anthem, which has a great meaning because of the way the March tells our İstiklal cause.

It is the right of my flag that lived free
It is the right of my nation who worships the truth.


“These are the aphorisms I want this nation to always remember,” he said.

While the 15th anniversary celebrations of the Republic were being held, a ferry full of youth was singing the National Anthem in front of the Dolmabahçe Palace, where he lay weak. ATATÜRK listened with great sincerity and smiled sadly:

- They are calling me, they are happy, they will be happy, of course, they are right to be happy, fifteen years of the Republic... This is the result to be happy about, he said.


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